Croatian Rural Tourism: Zlatni Klas in Otrovanec

Continuing TCN's look on October 21, 2016 at some of the highlights of Croatia's emerging rural tourism industry, a visit to Zlatni Klas in Otranovec near Virovitica.


Continuing TCN’s look on October 21, 2016 at some of the highlights of Croatia’s emerging rural tourism industry, a visit to Zlatni Klas in Otranovec near Virovitica.

With much of the population and tourism concentrated on the coast, eastern Croatia gets very few column inches by comparison. Once the bread basket of Croatia, the region is suffering from an alarming depopulation, especially among its youth, who are being forced to leave in search of economic opportunity. But not all are leaving, and there are some real beacons of light and hope to be found.

I had never heard of Otrovanec before my very hopsitable guide from the Croatian Rural Tourism Association took me there after a spectacular introductions to its members at Seoski Turizam Rakic near Krizevci, and its name did not sound particularly inviting. ‘Otrov’ means poison in Croatia, hardly the most welcoming advert for a village, its origins harking back to the fight against the advancing Ottoman Empire. More info and photos
